Fire Hose Roll Out System

Is the a way to create a Hose that could roll out like this??

17 Seconds


You could make a model in blender of a hose and use skinned meshes and have a lovely bone hose lol

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i think he meant how to program it :unamused:, impossible since roblox physics dont even work the same way as reality

I think its self explanatory from that point that he could have a script play an animation which does this his question was “Is the a way to create a Hose that could roll out like this??” so i told him how he could go about making this.

oh wait that is true thats ez to do

Ye Thanks what about making a part bigger from 1 side??

what script would that ened

I think you’d have to pay someone for this as it’s pretty complex. You’d have to learn inverse kinematics, skinned meshes & cloth physics which all use Blender.

Here’s a video that might help: Blender Secrets - Complex Rope Mesh Physics with the Surface Deform modifier - YouTube

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again… just use animation problem solved