Fire SecondaryColor show always

Hello! I am going to add a fire effect to my game, but the secondary color isn’t always visible.

And also for some reason, when I select the fire’s parent it becomes visible.

What I would like to achieve is making that secondary color always visible like shown in the video.

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What level is your Editor Quality level set to? It might fix this visual bug if you raise it to about Level 18 or even Level 21.

Otherwise you should just switch to ParticleEmitters. They offer more control and flexibility for visual effects.

My editor quality leve is at 21, I tried switching to all the other levels but it still didn’t work.

I really need to use the defautl roblox fire effect for what I am doing, so I can’t use particle emmiters.

My editor quality leve is at 21, I tried switching to all the other levels but it still didn’t work.

There may be some conflict between your Lighting and Fire that isn’t making it render properly.

Does this fire render its’ SecondaryColor properly?
TestFire.rbxm (3.0 KB)

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Hey, firstly, thanks for helping.

It seems that the problem really is with some lighting option , since this fire you sent me doesn’t show the secondary color inside the experience I am working on, but works fine on a baseplate.

I think I’ll just have to play with the lighting options and see if any of them are the reason for my problem.

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