So I have a projectile system and I used FireAllClients() to create less lag on the server but it only shows up on the player that fired the projectile, I was using a 2 player test server and there are no errors in my code that show up in the output so i’m not sure whats wrong.
You can only fireallclients from the server, I hope that’s what you did.
I was indeed firing it from the server.
The only issues I could see is that there is no connection listening to the event on the client side (which explains why the only one who could see it was the player), the event firing was throttled by the server, or something wrong with the code in the connection. The first glaring issue in your code which might be an issue is that the projectile, p, was never set to a starting CFrame. This might not be an issue, but it’s worth a try. If that didn’t solve it, try checking if the event was actually connecting to the function you created to handle projectiles. Worse case, there’s probably something else wrong with the connection code you created.
i just but the projectile making script in the tool because im dumb everything is fine now thank you for your reply