I’m assuming you’re trying to set an overhead GUI for the Host and one for the Co-Host through a script? If so you’d probably want to do FireAllClients since you’re firing to the Client through the Server and want this name-tag to be seen by everyone, if I understood correctly.
You should Use FireClient. When I was making my Murder Game, I used FireClient so when the server placed the knife or revolver in the user’s backpack, it would display a frame which read. You are the murderer or sheriff based on what weapon they had.
When I used FireAllClients every player would get the frame you are the sheriff or murderer.
FireClient specifically calls to an individual player or players. For instance: for _, player in pairs(game:GetService("Players"):GetPlayers()) do if player then Event:FireClient(player)
^ Notice how I had to define all existing players in pairs to Fire to each client
FireAllClients ignores the need to call to each individual player or in pairs, and instead fires to all clients using the same logic as in the example above.