I’m trying to calculate the force needed for :ApplyImpulse to send a part towards a specific position. This is what im doing right now:
-- Handvector is the origin position, TargetVector is the target position
-- ItemModel.PrimaryPart is the part im firing, the entire model is only 1 part
local HandVector = DestroyerModel.RightHand.Position
local ImpulseDirection = (TargetVector - HandVector).Unit
ImpulseDirection = Vector3.new(ImpulseDirection.X, ImpulseDirection.Y*1.3, ImpulseDirection.Z)
-- Multiplying by 1.3 was just my attempt at somewhat fixing the issue, it still falls short of reaching the target
It is barely accurate at all. I dont need an 100% accurate solution, just something that is better than this.
Here is how bad the aiming is, the target position is set to that red crosshair. Although in this video the aim was way better than 90% of the time for some reason, usually it just misses the tower completely.
For better context. here is a video of how it looks from a third person perspective.