Woud love some feedback. Based it off of a real life one and am pretty happy with the end result. I’ve been loving building infrastructure (Even downloaded a whole US guidebook about them! haha)
Looks pretty realistic!
Which state is the intersection that you’ve based this off of in? Just curious.
Looks awesome!
One thing is the overlapping decals (I’m guessing) you use for the curved oil streaks looks a little off.
You may be able to use a Beam there to help make it less overlapped.
Not too sure on where the intersection was. The image was found on a US Army website “Transport Engineering Agency” and I just stumbled upon it.
please make it even, it hurts to look at it. looks good overall though
It is even, but because they are 90* opposite of eachother it looks as if both of them are different, but they are in fact the same. Just turned over 90*
This 3-way intersection looks good. Nice job on it.
If you look at many big intersections you’ll see that the right turn lanes branch off and merge into the closest lane after the turn. In the real world many times looks and symmetry aren’t practical.