[first attempt] Feedback on Icon needed

Hey guys! I just made my first icon for a roleplay game group I am making and want to get your feedback! I just need to know how good they are, what could make them better,and which icon fits best for the group. Attached are two polls, in addition to them, please feel free to leave feedback, anything helps! Here are the four icons of choice:

  1. Your opinion on the icons:
  • Looks great!
  • Looks decent
  • Could be better
  • Not very good
  • Bad

0 voters

Which icon fits best:

  • 1st
  • 2nd
  • 3rd
  • 4th

0 voters

Thank you and leave any additional feedback below! If you want more information on the group, here is the link: Rοleplay Fans - Roblox


Looks great! This would definitely attract players! Keep up the great work!


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I really liked first and second one!! I believe that having a game related background would be better for Roleplaying games. I love the character’s glow aswell Keep up the good work!

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These are your first ever renders?!? These look really good, and I suggest the first one, the second one has its text tilted, I don’t know if thats your intention, if it is than, you should tilt it more. I suggest adding more noise/brightness to them. The girls legs are weird, right here

The boys hair is sticking out, maybe deform extrude it negatively under the hat (if you know how to do that) Last thing; the white highlight over the characters is inconsistent, I ssuggest keeping the same thickness, and maybe make it less transparent.
Oh wait i just noticed, the baby looks superrrrrr bright, might just be me. Maybe, add a face to the baby? And make the general lighting more consistent?

Overall, the gfx designs are really nice and I suggest going with the first one. You should really start selling your work! :slight_smile:


Looks awesome. :wink:

Keep it up! :+1:

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Looks great! The quality is spot on and I love the action, but I would be a little careful with what you implant into the GFX. I would highly suggest refraining from using such messages through GFX icons like those, I am pretty sure you get a pretty clear idea of what I am coming from, but there is other ways you can create game icons for advertisement purposes without introducing figures like such. Not trying to start drama at all, but it does look amazing. <3