Out of curiosity this probably an achievement for two months beginner solo dev like me.
Ignore the head lol.
Left is prototype(?) and right is current model.
I recreate it while making a game btw. (No it will be not part of my game FYI.)
Out of curiosity this probably an achievement for two months beginner solo dev like me.
Ignore the head lol.
Left is prototype(?) and right is current model.
I recreate it while making a game btw. (No it will be not part of my game FYI.)
Why not just use blender for this?
In all honesty, I would like to demonstrate and experimenting modeling in studio than Blender.
Although I have no such experience in blender, and I am using these parts for 3D Clothing someday., but you probably aren’t aware of creativity people used studio to modeling since they have more experience there than blender.
That is true but the fact that studio modelling is extremely limited and you can’t make complex deisgn. Like can you make a detailed gun in studio? No you can’t!
Unions are very messy, laggy for most users, and limited heavily. They’re something many developers will advise against using, due to an increase in game issues caused by said Unions.
If you want to make clothing, learn Blender. It’s more useful than anything you can find on Roblox, genuinely. It’s a very useful skill to have, and could lead to some good work in the future for many different career paths.
I agreed with Unions may have some disadvantages but I somehow managed to keep my things optimized, respectful you probably misunderstanding the use of Unions, I learned by myself on how to properly use it, and it is still running too well at 60 FPS for a game I am making.
Messing around with Unions leading to these results.
Detailed guns? That is common on Roblox Studio Modellers lol, I saw if not many people make these detailed guns in “bigger size” before make it into it’s actual sizes.
Why bigger size parts to model details gun? Because it gave users more time to properly modeling said specific guns.
Although it is not necessary to model these heavily detailed guns.
It seems you misunderstood the word detailed. The guns studio modellers make in studio are not near detailed. While that made in blender are too highly detailed and also optimised well. Let’s not forget the poor optimisation of roblox unions now.
Detailed, I know that word. And why did you pick the “guns”? Out all of things huh? Again it is common thing to detailed weapons at THEIR BEST EFFORTS in the way they like, there are way more models more complex than guns itself.
Respectful since you are making a big deal over guns detailed, IF Modellers want to make something DETAILED they could do that whenever they want, IF Modellers want to make something LESS DETAILED but High quality they could do that whenever they want.
Respectfully, I’ve used Unions since they first came out and I’ve only had bad experiences with them. I’ve also had people test it with varied types of PCs, from the worst, to the best. If you have a decent PC, you’ll be fine… if you don’t… you’ll have plenty of issues.
If Roblox would rather use meshes; over their own made system, this being unions, then that should tell you which you should rely on. I strongly recommend you consider using meshes over unions.
I also must reiterate what @NoxhazeI stated… you can not come close to achieving the level of detail other applications, such as blender, provide. There’s a reason why Roblox allows you to import these files… which mind you, are meshes; there’s a reason for that.
Regarding what you were asking;
There seems to be no point in making a unionized version of the Roblox Player, especially if it’s just to make clothing. You can grab a Roblox Rig from the Avatar Tab, and grab a model of whichever Rig you desire, you can add the model to your game then export the model to other softwares, or just use that model… instead of creating your own unionized version. I feel your time could of been used to make clothing, or… anything… really.
Acceptable concerning criticism but still rather will go with what I got, I recommend to not misunderstanding people who use Roblox Studio over Blender, even though I saw a devforum even videos explaining better ways to create 3D clothes without use of Unions, but this one is just me messing around and seeing what I could get if I ever want to make less detailed 3D Clothing models than detailed.
For 3D clothing models, it is just simply welding, what you just repost is the recreate of the rig which something I could simply modify it when I ever want, but thank you and Haze is right.
So in simple terms, I will use the methods of welding if I ever make any 3D clothing models in future.
One final question, would you rather use mesh gun model than animatable parts of gun model?
There’s editable meshes now, so I would rather use a mesh gun that has animatable parts.
As someone who has tried both, I can say that while Roblox Studio modeling can make good results, Blender has a higher skill cap and is overall more efficient.
Not to mention that meshes are just better for optimizing games, unions are very difficult to edit once you have a complex object. Meshes in blender can be textured, and their faces, edges, and vertexes can be easily edited. Blender is also practical outside of Roblox, while Union editing skills are nearly useless outside of Roblox.
Just bit the bullet and learn blender. It will pay off long term.
Blender does not have a too high skill cap. Atleast compared to solid modelling. Like if you want to make a detailed roblox model, then it would be more hard because it is not easy make curved things in roblox. For instance: go make a trash can in roblox studio and in blender. It can be simple but both should math each other in detail and then you would notice that roblox is much more hard and just nerve racking then blender which is simply a childs play. Sure at first you don’t know anything but just 1 month of practice can get you really good at it.
Nonsense. Blender has much more tools and depth to it. There are dozens of operators and menus. Fully learning Blender would take YEARS.
So you’re basically saying you could invest less time into Blender and achieve the same goal with less investment? Sign me up.
Less than one month, to understanding the basic from low poly to high poly.
FYI, yeah I do know how to use the basics of blender, since the beginning of this month, it is easier than I thought it would be but still sometimes struggles and I have realized that people being used models or the unions inside models and import them into blender, then make them into meshes which is ironic is it not?
Using unions then importing to blender for quality is extremely bad as roblox exported meshes have terrible topology which can take hours to simply fix.
Not too less time but I would say that the quality won’t be 5 star standard but it would certainly be enough to help you in your game and quicker rather than individually placing parts and carefully union-ing and negating them
Don’t most high-graphics/photorealistic games on Roblox use meshes…? Not to mention meshes have much better art capabilities, as you can smooth shade, vertex paint, and texture meshes.
Please, show me a “5 star” Union. I’m curious to see what a peak Union build looks like.
I will considering taking your suggetions, have this badly lowpoly Metal bat shape I made few hours ago on blender as thank for feedbacks and advices from you and everyone else.
Yeah, they do.
Well, amazing that we have sorted everything out.
Also for the bat, I would suggest bevelling the top a bit more using ctrl b, and also making the top a bit more wide.