First Blender Gun Animation

Please critique! Obviously this isn’t in-game and was rendered in Blender.


I’m very sorry but I can’t see the video :frowning:


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That’s stunning!

I’m not entirely sure what to change other than (maybe) adding a little bit more detail to the gun such as maybe text or some sort of manufacturer name or even a sneaky watermark if you dont intend for anybody else to use this.

Only thing I’d say is that the gun could be a little more metallic, but obviously if that’s not what you’re going for, then it looks great as it is. :wink:

Love it, 10/10!

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Gun model technically isn’t mine lol, I just used it as a placeholder. The animation is mine though. Thanks for the reply! :slight_smile:


Well in that case, it’s smooth, looks natural and best of all it moved parts of the gun rather than having a character pull out an imaginary mag.


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It’s not too bad for a video game. The only main problem would be the reload speed, as anyone else could reload an M4 twice as fast.

For realism, you could make the charging handle and bolt separate parts, as the charging handle does not reciprocate when firing, and the charging handle can only be moved if the bolt pulls it forward, or if the user charges it manually.

Other than that it’s not bad. 7/10.

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This animation is reasonable, but there are a few things I noticed.

Firstly, while the animations do not seem overly robotic, the arm movement looks unnatural, and the different motions look distinct, rather than flowing nicely into each other.

Secondly, this animation is somewhat unrealistic. I assume that this is an empty chamber reload because the character is operating the bolt release, however the actions are unrealistic. For background, all AR-15 platforms have what’s called a charging handle and a bolt release. By default, after the last round in a magazine has been fired a small spring-loaded catch catches the bolt before it moves forward and holds it open. This means that after loading in a new magazine, all the operator has to do is press the bolt release. The charging handle is only used if the bolt is closed and there is no round in the chamber. In other words, unless there is a jam, an operative will almost always be using just the simple bolt release, which is independent from the charging handle.

The reason I bring this up is that in your animation, you depict the charging handle moving backwards when the magazine is extracted, then moving forward when the bolt release is engaged. As I said, these two mechanisms are independent, so really, you should not see this.

Another small thing I noticed was that the character is pushing in the wrong place to release the bolt. Below is an image of what I mean. The red circle is where the character presses, and the blue is where the bolt release button actually is.
AR pointer

As I said, overall the animation is reasonable. But I think that these are points that need to be addressed.

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Yeah, empty chamber reloads are kind of standard in my game. Sorta like CSGO where the bolt is pulled every time you reload rather than only if the mag is empty. I might make a system where there’s a tactical and empty reload

I don’t normally animate AR15 platform weapons (mainly AK’s, so I didn’t know when the boltpull/release should be fired because AK’s pull and release bolt AFTER mag is in), so this would be useful for future animations. :slight_smile:

I know most were said by the rest but I’ll just give my opinions

The animation is overall good but as said before the arms are too unnatural , try to keep the arms in the middle to keep things look realistic

Also try to add events to your animations , events such as followed :
Drop mag , Enter mag , lock gun , aim . This is so the players know and get familiar with the animation.

Lastly I recommend trying to learn how to animate weights , Weights are hard to do at first but you can practice with references on youtube and other peoples work

I am looking forward on more animations :smile:

Turn restricted mode off. Youtube thinks it’s inappropriate or something.

Not too bad, but it certainly could be better.

For one thing, I would ditch the music and make the camera less tilted.

I would have left the weapon’s barrel pointing forwards, yet still tilted as for the character to see what they’re doing.

The weapon doesn’t move around at all in the character’s hand. It doesn’t slip downwards at all when the left hand is removed. Either the character has an incredibly strong grip or it’s attached to their arm. I would give it a natural feeling of weight.

Other than that, nice work!

Charging Handle can’t be locked like that

Charging Handle is only used to pull when you’re going to finish reloading although Bolt is at another side where bullet ejects

(from Wikipedia)

Charging Handle doesn’t automatically go sidelock as pistol because there is no way to lock it

how it’s supposed to be:

After running out of ammo, you should animate the bolt locked only. not the Charging Handle
then decide which way do you need to

  1. Pulling Charging Handle This is slightly slow to do it
  2. Hit the Catch button Fastest way to do it just press it