First DevEx as a minor (dependent, W9)

Hello! I need some guidance for my first DevEx, preferably from another minor who’s gone through the same process as me.
I’ve used this tutorial so far and I have already gotten accepted to begin the payment and tax process of first time DevEx.
The issue is that I’m 16 and a dependent of my parents so I’m supposed to be filed as such in the tax forms. I have my own bank account and all of my account info, is this an issue for submitting the tax forms? To be more specific, could I get declined if the names/ID on the payment info do not match the names on the tax forms?
I’ve seen that it’s suggested that I connect my DevEx account to a parent’s bank account (then have them transfer the money to me) so that the tax forms match, but then the name on my Roblox account won’t match and I can’t be sure that my parents will actually send me my money (my parent is kind of weird about money idek).

Please help!

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just become 18 years old its ez

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One simple solution I see to this is simply waiting for 2 more years. I assume the process will be much easier law-wise and your Robux(assuming you know the value of money) will have increased, so the fees associated to the transaction will be less noticeable in relation to the actual money you cash out.

However if you still insist with going through this at your age, I think the best advice would be given from an accountant or a lawyer within your country of residence.

Okay soo I was able to submit my tax forms under my name and SSN and so far everything seems to have worked out, although I am a dependent I guess it didn’t matter!

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