First Ever Original UI (Opinions Wanted)

Recently I posted a recreation of a games UI which I made as practice however decided to from scratch make a new UI. This was made completely from scratch and I wanted opinions.


Wow this UI is actually amazing. Very surprising you made this yourself, including the icon. Wow. This is better than I can do with premade icons lol. Very nice work.


I agree with @Zabazz glad you. Made them yourself and was thinking of your own ideas to make this very nice work man keep! This up

I would also add some. Colors to the UI icons and to the text that is what I suggest you do! But for know great work.


Icons are clean. Simple, but elegant enough to leave an impression.

Colors are good, but you might consider adding some shading or outlining to put a sharper aesthetic on the contents inside the buttons. Maybe a gray outline around the words?

Additionally, the blue backgrounds for each button could be slightly different shades of blue, to help the user differentiate their purpose. Just the little things can make slight improvements.

Ultimately, it looks really smooth, nice work. I’m interested to see what the rest of the UI looks like if you share in the future.


Nice work!

I’d add some padding to the top and bottom to allow the content to have some room to breath.


Some color on the book, maybe brown? Would look nice. Also a bookmark sticking out at the top?


I suggest you’d maintain a balance between the white and grey shading throughout the images.

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First two icons are saturated icons from Unboxing Simulator… You also posted a post yesterday with almost exactly the same UI. Please remove the “original” from the title because it’s insulting to people who are actually original.

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May I ask how so? I based the shop on a shop stale while theirs is based on a market as well as for the backpack I based on a real life backpack. This is in no way a copy. This was made straight from scratch with only real life references…

Can you read the text in a screenshot I posted? What I underlined to be exact.

I did, that was a previous UI… This is a new one. Completely. If you want to call me out for having a shop icon and backpack icon for shop and inventory menus then you need to do the same to every single other simulator. It’s a general trend with Simulators to use those as the icons for their menu buttons and I put my own twist on them by designing them based straight from real life.

From the looks of his post, he’s only starting off in the UI Development world. We can’t point fingers about copying an idea or an image, especially in this instance, because he is new and he’s trying to gain inspiration from existing things. From what I’m assuming, he’s trying to get feedback on UI he isn’t going to use in a game, and this is a thread in a Support section, where you are meant to say what can be improved about something, if not what is good about it, and I can’t help but feel that your original post strayed from that concept.


I love the look of your UI, though my only recommendation is perhaps add some more grey to define the book. From first glance, it looked like a rounded hat, but upon looking closer I could see the lines, and I just feel like it could be improved by making the lines more clearer!

Additionally, try to use colours consistently. There is alot more grey in the inventory button, than in the rest, so perhaps find more ways to incorporate more colours.

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I took some of your advice and added a bit more grey shading to the book and stall, made the lines more visible as well as added a bookmark to define it better as a book!

Updated Version:

Briefly, I’d say spacing is quite inconsistent and too small. You might want to have same amount of spacing between the top part of the icon to the up side of frame as the bottom part of text to the bottom side of frame, and you might as well apply that amount of spacing consistently for other UI icons.