First Ever UI Design

This was my first time doing UI, let me know your thoughts :slightly_smiling_face:


this is amazing! Especially for your first time, some people can’t even do that after months of experience. Keep going


this looks good for your first design! one thing I would look out for, consistency is really important in UI design. that means consistent shapes, consistent outline widths, consistent colors, and especially consistent padding.

currently your padding is a little inconsistent (there’s more space between the frames in the middle than their is on the bottom or the sides). the colors for the “ready” and x buttons are a little oversaturated for the style your going for as well. in addition, some of your corners are more rounded than others and I would try to even that out. usually the inside frames are less rounded than the outside frames and you’ve done that a little, but particularly for each trading screen and the buttons it’s not the same.


Thank you so much! This helped a lot


This UI design looks VERY GOOD! ESPECIALLY IF IT’S YOUR FIRST ONE EVER! Great job on it!


As someone who struggles with UI Design, this being your first time is… out of this world

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its nice and all but,

those username holders are a bit too rounded, consider lowering down that uicorner’s radius
also those arrows dont really fit the style, i would remplace them with a single arrow instead

overall you cooked

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