First full game made. Zombie Base Defence. Do kindly take a look

Turret placement would be pretty easy. Here is a quick script I whipped up, which can show you a basic idea how it can work:

This is just a basic idea:
local p =‘Part’)

p.Parent = workspace

p.Anchored = true

p.CanCollide = true

local PlacedDown = false

local Player = game.Players.LocalPlayer

local Mouse = Player:GetMouse()

local Character = Player.Character or Player.CharacterAdded:Wait()

local Hearbeat = game:GetService("RunService").Heartbeat

Mouse.TargetFilter = p


PlacedDown = true


while PlacedDown == false do

p.CFrame = Mouse.Hit



Thank you. I will study it. Much appreciated.


Good Morning , Morioh!#1418
Find me here, I will give you some suggestions and will make animations.


Where can I find you? Any guidance is most appreciated:)

I posted discord, Good Morning , Morioh!#1418
Just send friend request, I will let you know if something should get more advanced

Update 14 Sep
I have fixed the friendly fire of the turrets and soldiers as per feedback :slight_smile:

As per the feedbacks, I added a new type of zombie ( kind of like a mini boss ) . . gym zombie! thanks :slight_smile:

Nice, yesterday I played your game and I reached the end wave, but I kinda wanted it to be a little longer or different modes, since right now after you win the game get’s boring since you just restart.

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Thanks for playing. :slight_smile: ok I will work hard to bring more . . Yeah!

Like others have said, I agree that the part where you could command your own army was fun. However, I think you could improve your game’s thumbnail/picture because right now it just seems you took a screenshot in Studio. Maybe create actual GFX with some of the characters in it, and maybe have your game’s name/features listed in the gfx (just like a lot of front page games). But I saw you made some gfx. Also, try making the characters in the image more complex, especially since their legs are like really straight. Creating good thumbnail will attract more players to your game.

Good luck!

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Thank you so much. What do you mean make their legs more complex? ( sorry I only know how to use studio. No blender etc )

Like add knees etc?

Btw I updated the game icon / thumb nail. I know it’s not superb but is this more like the concept you mentioned?

Yes, I meant to add knees. I see you did that for a lot of characters. I mean, you don’t have to add knees if you want R6, but in the second thumbnail the person running with her hands up just looked so weird, and you could add joints or knees to that one.
The thumbnail looks much better, and the last suggestion I have is the lighting. Right now, the lighting looks too bland, and the thumbnail doesn’t really stand out. The lighting is the same everywhere, but you could make it where maybe one part is brighter and another isn’t. Maybe put emphasis (border lighting, or lighting that surrounds the border) on the text. I found a similar game (Zombie Task Force) so you can kind of see what I’m talking about. (don’t copy it though)


Notice that the lighting isn’t just the same all over. There are darker areas, and lighter areas. You can configure shadow and lighting settings in game>lighting. This was also what I meant by complex characters, that have knees.
Hope this post really helped, but if you have any questions do ask them!


Helps ALOT. Thanks much. Hope to see you hanging around here :slight_smile:

Hello friends!

I have expanded on the lobby. Do check it out and see if its acceptable?

On the backend, i also added the datastore for a future points system to upgrade stuff! This should help with more interesting repeat plays!

I also expanded on the main flow of the game. Feedback seems to be that it is a little too short… so its slightly longer now!

Gym Zombie now feels more like a mini boss. Special music to cue his entrance, scary big arm and tough health!

Hope you all like it :slight_smile: thank you for the time!

  • New update -
    Much bigger lobby with Updates board and a memorial hall for fallen outposts!
    Am trying to build up on the immersion factor. Like a real battalion center! Do kindly take a look :slight_smile:
    Also updated game balance for a better challenge.

Thank you!

hi buddy!

i launched a new training system! do kindly give it a try when you are available . . hope it increases the replayability… more to come :slight_smile:

hello buddy!

i have just launched the training system! you can now train your soldiers. my aim is to improve on the replay value. I hope this helped! Do kindly play if you are available. More to come :slight_smile:

Nice i’ll play today night, I hope I enjoy it

First of all HATS of for the imporvement man. That’s why im going to favorite the game, so much improvement.

I love the leaderboard it gives me a reason to play the game, to beat everyone!

Some things I would like for improvement is the gun lag, it’s probably because your rendering the bullets on the server with a model.

Here’s how an ideal gun would work like:

I also would like direct control over zombies, not sure if you can do that but it’d improve the game by a lot. By direct control I mean like actually telling the soldiers where to go.

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As always, I will be working hard on it. Will study the link. Thanks pal for the support … it means a lot to me :slight_smile:

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