Finished my game and decided to release it for all to see. It’s not advertised yet but I intend to soon and I figured since people on this forum had helped me so much in fixing scripts and giving me ideas I would let everyone see what I was creating. Lazy Coin Simulator - Roblox.
I think there is too much coin, in this state your game will be for only walk. And as RoninTurtles wrote, watching assets to load is not funny. You can work on huds more but it is working for now so you can style it, like making frame borders more transparent about 0.7, good job.
Game design hack that’ll change your life: make coin hitboxes bigger (I use an invisible bubble, coin is just a decoration). Also add some more visual feedback when coins are collected.
Woah you really put effort in this game! Only problem I saw here is that the zone walls (doors) are so thin anyone can do noclip glitch, make then atleast 2-5 studs! Also if you could add some coin collect effect like in PsX it would be cool and a gui the shows a bar filling up as we collect coins would be a easier way to see progression and would look fun! Like RoninTurtles said, a loading screen and better stats system would be great. Overall I rate the game a solid 8/10
For your first game I think this is pretty good! The only things I have to complain are these tiny features:
Music stops looping after certain point
There arent many coin varities
No real use for coins
Gets boring after a few minutes
Well the first one is self explainable. And the second complaint, I have stumbled upon a treasure chest only once and they dont give alot to the player whilst collecting it. Third one, the only use I see is rebirthing and unlocking new areas but no way for the player to spend it on anything else, it just seems like the currency is rebirths. Fourth one, im not really a HUGE fan of simulator games but it gets boring after collecting the coins for about 5 minutes as there isnt anything to make you wanna keep collecting coins except new areas and rebirths.
Overall this game is very good for your first game!
(edit: Just realized that music DOES loop but it does take around 2 minutes for it to play another song)
Thx for showing that. I tried to do that myself but was unable. My kids also tried it and they weren’t successful either. The divider goes all the way to the outside wall so I thought it was safe.
Thank you for your feedback. The music was by design, is 2 mins too long as I wanted players to hear some of the soft ambient sounds in each zone (Waterfall and birds in the start zone, Wind in the desert etc) between the music.
I actually wanted the player to collect coins to open up each zones borders but after months of struggling with prompts, gui’s and multiplayer glitches and errors I went with automatically bringing them down instead. The coins were also supposed to buy pets as well. I couldn’t make the animated pets made myself so I went without them and my original project was too large for me as a first game.
The chests become more prominent the more rebirths you have. They’re put in there to increase the starter players speed but not so many that you complete the game in a weekend. After a couple or rebirths you basically spend only a few minutes in the start area before moving on. I did this so later in the game players will just chase the chests which give significantly more coins when multiplied by the number of rebirths and the addition of the coins stats from the shop.
I agree with the coins variety and I tried to make better coins but the animation and game lighting had weird effects on the animated coin and was game-breaking in my opinion so I went with a blander coin that had no lighting glitches.
So many features didn’t make it into the final game purely because I’m inexperienced. I learned a lot in this game so hopefully my next game will actually be scripted better for more player experience.
Coin collection is a lot more fun than normal sims with it all being close together, gives a satisfying effect.
I feel that progression could be a little easier, maybe add more chests that give more money in order to help speed it up.
I played this game a little bit. It’s alright - definitely a great start for your first game.
Some Recommendations:
Some of the gui personally I think could be improved. Like for example, the leaderboards for coins and rebirths. Also like the white (Textlabel I’m assuming) to store the values for the coins & rebirths to me feels a little off. Also I feel like a coin image could be used in the gui that stores the value of coins you have.
I got a little confused with the Player stats shop, until I saw that it was for rebirth points. It would be nice if you could have a shop error text after trying to improve player stats to include a message with why you can’t buy it (Like if you don’t have enough rebirth points, an error, with possible a error sound in red text, with “You do not have enough rebirth points to buy this”)
It would be nice to have a settings button where the Tutorial button goes, as well as adding some more customizing, such as music volume, etc.
As some people have mentioned, the start of the game is slow. I know that this is your first game, but it may be nice to add something so the player feels like they are making progress, as after 10 minutes, does get boring. Like for example, instead of rebirth points, you just have points, and everyone starts out with 5 points, so that they can use it on something. Now this is a example, and there is many ways of fixing this.
As @Exotic_Stuffing Said, The game is about coins, yet the focus of the game, coins aren’t important in the game, for usage. Well I know you have talked about adding pets, but being unable to do so, just adding a value to coins to be used for something would be great, other then what you have right now, which is converting these coins into rebirths
The main issue for me is that it seems not by design. My recommendation is instead of a abrupt ending to one song. Make the volume of the music go down until 0. So the music gets softer and softer, without ending out of the blue. Same could be done for the starting up the music, with the volume increasing, up to the point of the musics normal volume.
These are the main ones I have for you! Great first game though!
Thank you for the in-depth analysis on areas I could improve on as the feedback is very valuable to me. After all a game is only as good as it’s player base.
That’s exactly my thinking also.
Yeah I learned that myself when I used my other account to simulate a new player. With no gamepasses it did feel very long. Not entirely sure what to do with that yet but someone else on this thread suggested a kind of quest/achievement system to help early players along and I’m looking into that.
Ty all for your reviews and I will work on the fixes.
Yup. It may even be nice to have a shop like what you have with the rebirth points, but with coins. Unlike the rebirths, it doesn’t stay forever and it disappears after each rebirth. And it doesn’t have to be a big multiplier, like each upgrade gives 0.1 more multiplier. Most simulator games like yours, do this. But yes, just something to really help the players early in could work