First GFX Please give Feedback

This is my first gfx what do you think? Please Give me feedback


I think it’s very good for your first GFX, but you should work on the shadows a bit.

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Looks good for a first attempt, however as already mentioned that lighting could be improved to make it seem more vibrant.


Honestly I think this is pretty amazing GFX and the graphics are AMAZING, Like look at that its so well made, Good job man keep up the good work and I hope one day you become big and work for tons of people.

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It looks quite good, i think you should make your character pop out more by maybe making it glow a bit or just overall being more vibrant

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Overall it looks great for a first attempt, however maybe fix the lighting. I recommend you to maybe learn how to bend the limbs of the character. :smiley:

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Overall, It is great! However, the only thing I would change is the character, he looks a little stiff. But other than that, it’s great. :slight_smile:

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It’s really good for your first GFX so well done! I would recommend you use Blender if you aren’t already to learn how to bend limbs, it can really make poses look slick and clean. Lighting is something you can also learn how to do in Blender so you can fix your shadowing a bit.


He looks stiff. (As In He Cannot Move :rofl:)

thats very niceu. but you need to work on lightings

Hi there!

This GFX looks amazing for your first try! I would make your character standing out, maybe doing something different and not standing up and waving, I would also add more lighting, maybe a small but modern lightbulb, apart from that, it’s amazing!


Nice lighting and some cool scenery! You should try playing with the lighting colors to make it look more realistic. Also, you in the future you should try posing all of the character’s body parts to give the GFX more life. :smile:

Very nice, I like the fact that you added a fish tank in the background! :+1: