First gun in blender

I’m a little over a week into learning blender, this is the second model I’ve finished as of yet, first gun.
Please give feedback and let me know if there is anything you think would look better.


That’s amazing for a first gun! Good job! And for a week of learning Blender! That takes most people a month or so at least to make if they just started learning Blender!


Way better than any gun I’ve ever made. 10/10
Edit: Just noticed this artifactimage


Honestly this is amazing for detail, (I am not a 3D Modeler this is just what I think)

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That’s your first gun? That’s like arsenal level to me-


Ah yes that was bothering me too! Too bad at my current level I don’t know of any way to fix that. I tried multiple things, some worked but ended up making other parts of the gun look even worse.


Ngons can cause bad shading when they are smooth shaded. Can you show the wireframe?

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Is this a geometry overlap issue, or is it just an issue with not having enough geometry? If it’s the latter, try using the knife tool. If it’s the former, have you tried YouTube tutorials on how to fix that?

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Might be an ngon (A face with more than 4 vertices), they get weird with smooth shading.

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a lot of shading issues and it looks too round

also remove the random detail


try to working on your proportions and getting an accurate model but not too bad next time try doing something in your skill level

That’s not random detail, a glock has that in real life also

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Amazing! Great work! :star_struck:

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image well yes but it looks weird since it kinda makes it look too detailed and it’s popping out too much and the glock is supposed to look blocky

Whoever made that glock model doesn’t know a lot about glocks. Where is the safe action trigger? The trigger shape in general is nothing like a glock. The takedown lever on that model is not accurate, not to mention I was modeling a glock 17 gen 4. Nothing on my model is “random detail”, everything is modeled to represent the gen 4.


jesus chill out, I was just critiquing it so it looks better maybe? you can keep the details if you want or whatever and it doesn’t always have to look accurate, just good since it’s roblox

Yea I’d say its 100% accurate, there’s no “random detail” like sam said. Probably better than what I could make anyways tbh.

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Did you mean to reply to Azurlified? Also the criticism you gave was just plain unhelpful and pretty incorrect. The gun he made looks really accurate!

unhelpful? what do you mean? he asked for opinions so I gave him my opinions, he doesn’t have to agree and he said it’s on the real one so yeah

also what you can fix about it is maybe make it more skinny

like this and maybe trace it with a reference picture

I think the bevels are too much and also believe image this think should be round like the rest of the body

you're also missing this detail
