First Line of Code randomly gets marked orange

I have a problem. I don’t know why it happens, but sometimes the first line of my code gets marked orange. This is very annoying because I can barely read it as you can see in this image.

System Information:

macOS Monterey (V. 12.7.6)
Processor: 3 GHz 8-Core Intel Xeon E5
Storage: 64 GB 1866 MHz DDR3
Startvolume: Macintosh HD
Graphics Card: AMD FirePro D700 6 GB
Serial number: F5KVD049F694


Try to reset all settings in Roblox Studio settings. If that doesn’t work, the only way as much as I know is to click Return at the start of the first line then scroll down 1 line to make it disappear. I’ll try to find more solutions to see how this can be solved.

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Check if you have “New Luau Type Solver” enabled in your Beta Features, accessible through the FILE menu at the top-left. If it is, try disabling it and restarting Studio.

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This is just an acknowledgment announcement!

We’ve filed a ticket into our internal database for this issue, and we will update you when we have further information!

Thanks for the report!

Hi @theblackwither4,

Thank you for filing this.

As @Judgy_Oreo mentioned, can you please check if the New Type Solver Beta is enabled? If so, this ticket is a duplicate of First line of code colored orange, removing specific elements undoes it and we’ll track this issue under that ticket.

Thank you!

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