First look at Mini Cities 2!

Recently I’ve been hard at work developing the official sequel for my first game, Mini Cities. Mini Cities 2 will feature the first curved road system in Roblox, just like Cities Skylines! This will allow me to put more emphasis on freedom and customizability, letting you personalize your city unlike ever before.

What are your initial thoughts? What do you think I can add? What are your concerns?Tell me about it!


Fire :fire:

I’m Interested on how the Optimization will work as many buildings are gonna be packed in a small space

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This is amazing, the way everything looks, the style. Even just the cars and the way they interact with the world is amazing.

I cannot wait to play this game myself, I’m very excited!


Meshes will be absolutely carrying me. I’ve decided it would be best to increase initial load-times to help with the in-game rendering. The only real issues I’ve seen so far are from the skinned mesh road systems, but it’s more a Roblox issue so there’s not much I can do besides create work arounds.

The song you used in the video, it can definitely sit well as in-game music or something similar. It’s a factor that all popular game uses that makes it memorable so you remember the good moments u have, like Meep City, MM2, all of these before the game had some bad updates unfortunately.

But still, I can’t wait to play it, it seems fun! Is there an objective by the way?


I really like this. I love the UI, the building style and just over all looks super cool.

Not a massive fan on the trailer mainly cuz there was not much really to it.

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I can’t wait to play this game! It looks awesome!

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I’ll probably commission someone to make music; similar genre though! And yes there will be small tasks and objectives along the way that you can complete. However, the main meat of the gameplay Is obviously building your city lol.


How about tiny puzzles, obbies, treasure hunts…?

Holy guacamole. This is actually amazing.


  1. Will sections of the cities cost money?
  2. Will building be infinite?

You should also try to make little people too.


Amazing game! Can’t wait to play :wink: