First person camera and head movement

I want to achieve a system where the first person camera also moves/rotates the head of the player. Similar to that of the players that sit at a table, they cant move but just rotate their heads in first person on this roblox game : Liars Club

I have tried using RunService to update the head orientation to that of the camera but when it comes to replicating it to the other clients through the server with a remote event it can get quite intensive on the processing, having 4 clients continuously sending remotes of their camera orientation or CFrame would be too much right?

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To achieve a system where the first-person camera also moves/rotates the head of the player, you can follow these steps. I will also provide some insights on how to handle replication for multiple clients.

Client-Side Code

-- Get the head model and the camera
local head = player.Character:WaitForChild("Head")
local camera = game.Workspace.CurrentCamera

-- Function to update the head orientation
local function updateHeadOrientation()
    local cameraCFrame = camera.CFrame
    head.CFrame = cameraCFrame *, 0, -1)

-- Bind the function to the render step
RunService:BindToRenderStep("UpdateHead", Enum.RenderPriority.Camera.Value + 1, updateHeadOrientation)

Server-Side Code (Replication)

-- Get the head model and the camera
local head = player.Character:WaitForChild("Head")
local camera = game.Workspace.CurrentCamera

-- Function to replicate the head orientation to other clients
local function replicateHeadOrientation(player, cameraCFrame)
    local replicationService = game:GetService("ReplicationService")
    local remoteEvent = replicationService:CreateRemote("HeadOrientation")

    -- Send the camera CFrame to other clients

-- Bind the function to the camera's CFrame changed event
    local cameraCFrame = camera.CFrame
    replicateHeadOrientation(player, cameraCFrame)

Client-Side Code (Receiving Replicated Data)

-- Get the remote event
local remoteEvent = game.ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("HeadOrientation")

-- Bind the function to the remote event
    local head = player.Character:WaitForChild("Head")
    head.CFrame = cameraCFrame *, 0, -1)

In this code, the server replicates the camera CFrame to other clients using the ReplicationService. The clients receive the replicated data and update their head orientation accordingly.

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This isn’t a real service. I assume this is all AI-generated?

At least say that at the top instead of pretending it’s you. It’s disingenuous.

(Not to mention a waste of people’s time, if they wanted to ask AI they could do it themselves.)

@OP: It’s not too much to be sending remote events constantly (if the data is just a CFrame or relative look direction at least). Make sure to add some interpolation though (i.e. smooth it out so they remote events don’t need to be sent too often, maybe just once a heartbeat).

You might find the code of MaximumADHD’s Realism useful, it uses remote events to replicate the body and head movements:

(I’m not sure but it might already have what you’re looking for.)


Yeah, it 100% has to be AI generated, first clue being the little paragraph at the start, because basically nobody on this site speaks like this, and the other is the “ReplicationService” that you pointed out