when using a seat with an animation pose, the first person camera view zooms into where head ‘would be’ in seat (not where it is)

does anybody know how to make it zoom into the head as it should?
Am I making the pose wrong?
camera should be where circle is, not hovering over the player’s position:
same view as above but from normal default seat pose:
in a local script you can change currentcamera’s subject to the head while the animation is playing, since it focuses on the humanoid by default, then change it back to the humanoid when the animation is done (unless you want the camera to follow the head while doing anything too)
I can try this, but its confusing because when its not set to head it zooms into the head, unless an animation is playing, then it seems to zoom into the humanoidrootpart(possibly), or maybe its zooming into where the head would be if the animation isn’t playing.
This creates a new problem, 1st person transparency breaks:
Okay, so I figured out a work-around for this issue.
I duplicated my rid, and lined my animation up with the default standing pose, then rotated my seat to make the player align the direction I need, now the first person zooms perfectly into the head of the character.
In this image you can see the rotated seat(the front is facing down)
perfect first person zoom now:
its kind of a wonky way to do it, i’m thinking there must be a better way, you can see how I lined up the 2 rigs:

seated pose:

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