First person gun (recoil, ammo, reloading, etc)

So, I’ve made a decent gun I guess, Since I’m just a scripter I couldn’t do anything other than code the gun. So for the gun holding position I used motor6d knowledge instead of animations, toolbox model, free sounds, but for the bullet I didn’t have vfx either so I just used some raycasting knowledge to visualise the raycast by placing the bullet in between the raycast position and the player. For recoil I used a camera effect. Could you guys tell me if it’s decent?

I think the biggest problem I have with this is the recoil effect, I feel like I could’ve tweened the camera better? Or is it decent enough? I’m thinking about also getting rid of the bullet as it does look a bit weird but the hit detection is still working properly with no problems because I create the raycast first then tween the camera.

I think the biggest problem I have with this is the recoil effect, I feel like I could’ve tweened the camera better? Or is it decent enough? I’m thinking about also getting rid of the bullet as it does look a bit weird but the hit detection is still working properly with no problems because I create the raycast first then tween the camera.

I would lower the amount of kick on the recoil effect and slow down the tween on the camera because it looks a bit “jumpy” for a revolver. If you dont want to change how fast the camera flicks up, then you should atleast lower the speed of the recoil “resseting” to remove a bit of that “jumpy” feeling

Problem is though, if I make it any slower than it is currently it looks too linear. Right now the easing style is Sine and the tween info time is 0.1 seconds. Do you think I should change any of these?

This first person gun looks GREAT! Nice job on it!

Try just lowering how much the camera moves up, that might be enough to remove the “jumpy” feeling, lower recoil looks bether with a faster tween if you like the speed of the tween.

Forgot to say this last time, its a very nice gun system!

Thanks @ET_Gamer851 and @ET_Gamer851, as I said earlier I didn’t really have any animations or models because I can just script so I tried my best with motor6ds and what not. I’m planning to make an equip animation by tweening the motor6ds too. Thanks for the feedback.