First shirt design, tips on improving

I just got into making clothes on roblox. It was a spur of the moment sort of thing but now I’m invested to a point that I created a mini showcase map which I intend to fill up with my designs. This is my first one so far.

In terms from a community stand point, do you think there would be an interest in vintage styled clothing like the sweater?

Should I consider a more detailed shading or stick with a minimalist style?

I’ve noticed that some clothes don’t have a outline like the outer edges of my design. Is that the preferred style?


Not much I really like the design that u made. I think I choose of your clothes. 9/10 :slight_smile:


Not bad. Very Simple. Maybe a logo or something if you make a group.


i cant rate this as i cant see the back.

i think its pretty nice, going to need to see the rest of the outfit though

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It looks really good! Maybe experiment with more shading techniques!

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This is really cute! I love the colors and your overall aesthetic is something I would love to see interpreted into more designs. If you need any help with shading techniques, I recommend finding some tutorials on Youtube to get you started.

And a slight tip: When it comes to the overall style of your clothing, (outlines, shading techniques, etc) that can typically depend on mostly you and what you feel looks best, but I would always just make sure when you do dabble into shading more that it is precise and not too blurred. This will make your shirt/pants item look more realistic and as if the clothes are really draping over the avatar vs. printed.

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I love myself 80’s style sweaters ngl. That sweater makes me think of the 80’s so 11/10 from me!

I myself don’t know how to design scripts or pants with detail, so I don’t know how hard it is.