First Shop GUI!

I made this shop GUI in about 30 minutes. Tell me what you think of it!

Here it is:


Cool shop GUI :sunglasses: :ok_hand:


Great for your first shop GUI! I like how you added a little icon standing for the gold coins. Pretty cool! :smiley:


To be honest, its not great, not terrible as would Dyatlov say
I would change the gui to be honest,
I suggest you plugin called “Interface Tools”
I use it to make some GUIs
Here is a link:

Not too hard to understand how to the plugin works.
If the GUI works, its good, just change it little bit.
Have a great day! :slight_smile:


Looks pretty alright! I just don’t like the super bright green background and the buy buttons could be toned down a notch.


Looks pretty nice! Though I would use rounded corners at least in the outer frame.


I’ll try my best not to be rude here.

  1. A line green background doesn’t really go with the items you are selling and as from the image picture name which refers to it being in a camp, it wouldn’t go well in that setting either.

  2. You should definitely refrain from using other games assets like the cookie from cookie clicker. It can be copyrighted and that would not be good to go to waste.

  3. I feel like the textures on the Coins are a bit blurry, this may be from the way Roblox imports them to the site. It also might be a problem with their scaling.

  4. The coins are clipping through the border of the bottom row of items, but it’s an easy fix.

  5. I think you should remove or do something about the borders and background color of the images. It kind of makes it feel like its in a separate “realm”, it also doesn’t complement the game that the shop is in.

  6. I feel like the “Buy for _” texts are a little cramped and for some of them the text comes straight to the border.

  7. I think the items should be displayed by how many coins they cost as it makes the cookies look out of place as I wouldn’t have known how much the price is until looking a little bit closer (which can be my fault)

I don’t want to seem like i dislike your design, this is great especially if it’s your first.


Thanks! I made them myself in Photoshop.

Ok! Thanks for suggesting ways I can improve. I’ll check the plugin out. :grin:

Thanks for taking your time and writing all this feedback! I’ll look into all of them and attempt to make a better GUI.

i know this is a few years later but i really like it. its really cool