A few days I started my first terrain project. It is a small showcase of Omaha Beach (Basicly a D-Day/Operation Overlord showcase). I tried to make it as realistic as possible without looking weird/bad.
Note: All of the assets that were used are Free Models since this was just suppose to be a Terrain Showcase.
pretty nice, don’t know why there are random gates, and what are the little crosses?
that hole looks too weird that is too steep, and the white thing there just looks weird there.
The gates are Belgian Gates, they were used to prevent ships from getting close to the land, and the Crosses are Czech hedgehogs, they were used to prevent Tanks that can go in Water and Land from getting on Land.
It is a hole from a Explosion.
No its actually way to short (100 Feet is what it was in the real world), but I do agree the white does not blend into the terrain.
you could take out the Hedgehogs in the front, and then make some sand a little high and put Barbed wire, make trenches in the back, and the cliff looks too rounded and weird, make it look like in the picture i drew