First Time Building: Homestore

Hi I decided building for the first time about a week ago and would like to share what I’ve made so far. I am trying to make a homestore with different departments for different aesthetics. These are the most finished departments right now:

If you have any advice or feedback I’d love to hear it!


Super nice! You might wanna add some more stuff, it kinda seems empty.


Thank you! And yes I plan to fill it up more later I just wanted to get the general look and structure down first.

I think it looks amazing. I think there should be more manichins to show off clothes. Do you work for a clothing group or and you starting your own clothing store and or you just building a homestore for fun.

Thanks! I’ll def be adding more mannequins and I just decided to make it for fun!

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Since this is your first build, it actually looks nice.

Besides from the first picture. I like the neon colors.

Nice job!

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i like the vibe, but its all about details! add many more mannequins and decorations

looks nice i like the aesthetic. you could probably tune down the pink neon a bit tho its a bit too glowy i feel like.