First time building with studio need feedback (scifi fighter)

this took me like 15 hours i dont wanna ever do this again studio is such a pain to use


forgot to do the cockpit glass but whatever
i have 0 prior experience using studio, i only got recommended a few plugins by a friend to make it easier, should i continue? is it worth it just for commission money?

p.s this was originally made for Waste of Space (game with classic building) but halfway through i gave up on using weldable ingame bricks and decided to make it showcase only


This is pretty great work for a beginner, looks like you definitely have the right idea. If you’re willing to invest the time in improving yourself, you should try and get commissions to improve yourself.


No, it’s amazing work for a beginner. This guy’s building skills is insane! I love it!
What tips do you have?


Wow, this is incredible!!



went a little small but hows the design itself

screenshots (gun)

unknown (8) unknown (9) unknown (10) unknown (11)

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Is that a gun of some sort? It looks really really small.

here it is compared to a standard r6 hand
unknown (12)

Yeah, that’s really small. Make it bigger. :stuck_out_tongue:

Looks amazing for building for the first time

upscaled and improved but it wont downscale back to normal


Wow this looks great for a beginner! I love the details on this creation!

Beginner?!??! What??!?!?!?

This is really nice, the colors work well and the detail is really well thought out.
Awesome stuff!

I am a beginner at building in the Roblox Studio itself and I would think that only an advanced builder can make something this detailed, there is literally no good feedback I can actually give and this build is an immediate 10/10, actually make it more higher because this is surprisingly impressive for a “Beginner” like you who only makes clothing designs.