First Time Developing? Here are some things I wish I knew before I started!

:wave: Man… you just finally decided you wanted to go from being a gamer, and become a developer, I am so happy to welcome you to the crazy, fun, and exciting life of becoming a Roblox developer!
:stop_sign: NOTICE - Everything I am about to mention is everything I wish I KNEW before I started developing here on Roblox, other developers will probably give you different advice then what I’ll tell you!
:hammer: When I first got into Roblox, like many, I was interested in learning how to build, so below you will see that I speak about how to go into building correctly. The same processes will work with anything else such as modeling, gfx, and scripting!

The main thing I wish I knew before I started making games is that developing the “Next Hit” game is not as easy as it may seem. If you just got into developing, and maybe know a little on how to build, trying to immediately create the next hit Roblox game is definitely not going to work out (no offense). When I first got into developing, just like a lot of other new developers, I thought because I knew a guy who can script, and I barely know how to build, that we could create a front-page game in about a week. For the first two days, you and your friend will probably have a lot of fun thinking of cool ideas for your game, and you’ll probably start getting some progress done, but, just about every day after that, your idea slowly becomes less and less interesting. Sadly, I hate to tell you this, but your game probably won’t ever be finished :frowning:

Right as you get into development, practice what you are doing, spend hours figuring out how everything works, try building challenging things, not just things that are easy to build. Once you’ve spent around 50 hours just practicing your craft, now try making a map, a full-blown map that developers could use for a simulator, or a tycoon, etc. I recommend you spend days on this map, try to make it the best and hardest thing you’ve ever built. Once you do publish that game, show your friends, show your parents, you did it! Your masterpiece is finished… but not really, your friends and family are most likely going to tell you its amazing but, in reality, it won’t actually be thaaat good compared to other developers. What I recommend you do is post a forum here, or ask a developing group like Hidden Developers for some feedback! A lot of really good developers have good feedback for newbies, take their feedback, NEVER argue or go against anyone when they have feedback. Once you spend another week perfecting your masterpiece from all the feedback you’ve got, now, you will use this as your “Showcase”. What I recommend what you do from this point is to try to find some small developers that are in need of a builder, and work for them for R$1,000-R$5,000. Working for other developers that may have a little more experience then you will teach you so much more about development than you ever knew about. Work for them, and make connections with them, most likely, they will be your friend your entire Roblox career. Once you finish their project, work for someone else, and then work for someone else, then someone else. Keep doing orders, you will slowly start racking up that Robux, and you will make more connections! No one knows how important having good connections really is, because once you do start to work on your front page game, you’re going to need someone to do scripting, modeling, graphics, and help build for you. The more people you know, the better!

I know this will probably through you off guard, but I highly recommend using similar concepts to other bigger developers. Whether it is making your own simulator, tycoon, or whatever. You don’t need to be 100% unique, there are thousands of simulators all similar and they all make a lot of Robux. If you see a Roblox developer doing good, don’t be scared to use their strategies and maybe a few of their ideas (ex: quests for rewards, daily reward, etc).

WOW! You’re still reading! Anyways, let’s talk about how to utilize Roblox’s Keyword search system in the smartest way. If you are creating a game, I highly recommend you make it about something relevant to whatever is going on during this time. Let’s say for some reason the game “Piggy” on Roblox is blowing up, make a game such as “Piggy Tycoon” or “Piggy Obby”! This is the best way of getting a lot of Robux, quick. Because so many players are searching up the word “Piggy” into Roblox, if your game pops up on the third or fourth row, your game will probably get a good amount of players without any money spent for ads! If there become new trends, make a game based around it, I promise it works!

Honestly, this is something that I am still trying to figure out how to do… Something that a lot of top developers know what to do is how to advertise their game to the correct audience of people that would like their game. If you hire someone to create an ad for your game, make sure you advertise your coolest feature in your game, because then, people that find that certain thing interesting will

  • Play your game for longer
  • Have a better chance of buying a gamepass
  • Like and Favorite your game
  • Will come back

So please, please, please, do not make a friend request ad, or a flamingo ad, as those do bring in the best amount of players, it will not bring in the right group of people that will love your game!!

I know, I know, everyone always says this, but the most important part of creating a game is finishing it. I am going to keep this simple… If you have a game idea, write it down, think about it for 2 days on whether or not it is actually what you want to do, I see so many new devs think of a game idea, work on it for one day, then completely forget and never go back to it! Make sure you actually like your idea 100% before you start!

Man, this is soooooooo annoying!! Please do not go up to bigger developers and beg for them to hire you, donate to you, or invest in your idea. Chances are, we don’t care (I’m sorry)! We are busy on our own projects, we don’t really want to be bothered by a stranger wanting our money. If a top developer does a shout, or you know, is looking for developers, then feel free to contact them showing them what you can do, but don’t spam them!

If I knew all this information I just posted above, 7 years ago, I would have been able to create a good and profitable game 10x easier. If you are a dev and there is something you’d like to add, please comment below, I probably missed a few things that a lot of other developers run into issues with.
:wave: Goodbye and good luck on your journey!

Edit: I’ve uploaded some videos to my Youtube channel regarding game marketing, just go to “1Coal” on youtube and go to the video “How To Make More Robux With Your Roblox Games” and “How To Make Your Roblox Games Popular”! I promise those are super helpful!


I can’t express my feelings for this post! Some of these things are genius ideas lol :smiley:

One question I have is, what if for example, I didn’t want to make a piggy game? Instead I wanted to create a unique game, but it doesn’t have any “popular words” that people can search for and find in the top third or fourth row like you said.

What would be another strategy from here then?

(I love that strategy a lot, and it got me 2k visits on a game in a week or so)


:wave: Thanks so much for replying!
If you were to create a completely unique game, where the keyword marketing strategy wouldn’t work as well, you’re going to need to rely solely on game advertisements or sponsorships! There are two different things you could try:

Mobile Player Sponsorship:

This strategy is where if you get enough Robux, let’s say R$5,000, then you can create sponsor for your game targeting mobile players. This strategy works because you will get a lot of players for such a cheap price. For example, If I were to spend R$5,000 on an ad for my game I’d probably have 30 PC players, but If I spent R$5,000 on a mobile sponsorship for my game I’d probably have 80 mobile players. You get a lot of players this way, and if your game is likable, a few of them will purchase game passes and like the game, and you might do well, I’ve done this multiple times with my games and it works out.

More players = more exposure + more Robux

Advertisement That Targets Right Audience:

So, this one is a bit different, if your game is maybe more advanced, or you think players on PC would like it more, then hire someone who is skilled at making ads, to make an ad or your game that draws out the coolest/best feature in your game. If you hire someone who has made ads similar to what you are wanting, then you’re going to want to use them over someone cheaper that doesn’t have as much experience. For example, if you run a “War” group, you’re going to want to hire someone who is really good at creating ads for war groups even if it costs more because you don’t want someone that makes ads for cafes, to make you a war group ad. (kinda common sense)

Certain Players = less exposure but much more Robux and you can build a community/fan base

So, overall, if you are running something such as a Prison or Cafe, ads are the way to go. But if your game is something more tycoon or simulator, do mobile sponsoring!


Nice! I like how this Topic can make more sense then those YouTube tutorials do all together. Personally I want to be a scripter and knowing that it takes quite long dedication towards 1 project makes me nervous. But it also got me thinking. Maybe one question though.
I don’t know if your a scripter or not but would you have any suggestions towards finding any scripting tutorials that would help out a lot?
Great Tutorial! :grinning:


:wave: Thanks so much for replying!
I’m so so happy this inspired you! I am personally not a scripter but one thing I have realized within learning how to script. The trick is to actually work on something difficult from the start. A lot of scripters start with something really easy such as a shop GUI or a button that changes colors when you touch it, but if you start with making a script that teleports players from a map to a lobby, and awards coins, you’re going to see so much more improvements then just do little baby steps. I really don’t know any really good tutorials, I’d just recommend looking at free model scripts, reading through them, and trying to understand what each thing does. Although, I do know the basics because I spent a few hours watching AlvinBlox.

Another thing I’ve realized is that the more you script, the better you get, so just practice a lot for a few months and you’ll be a pro in no time. Also, I highly recommend you join a discord server such as Scripting Helpers so if you ever run into something you get stuck on for hours, they can help you!


Yeah I’ve joined quite a couple of Discord Servers that help. This advice sounded CRAZY at the start but I get where your going. Personally I started small but if I can start higher and learn difficult stuff easily surely when I go to other difficult stuff it will have similarities to what I just learnt.



The copying part is near misleading. Try not copy the assets near-identical or explicitly their assets. There’s a difference between asset and concept, a concept is the base for an asset usually.


I personally started through spoonfed and modified, analyzed the code by myself.
Basic Lua knowledge & researching such as interactiving over the Dev Forum brought me far, but these are just small steps.
Giving up is not an option now. Thank you for enlightening & even motivating me :D!


This post is really not accurate at all.

  1. I never believed my game will be a next big hit, I just make games which are fun, and saying that someones game wont ever get finished is stupid.
  2. I never copy any developers, all my ideas and designs are from my own experience, advising people to copy ideas contradicts your points of having a target audience.
  3. Keywords mean absolutly nothing, botted games and spam games will always be infront.
  4. I know my target audience so thats easy to work around.
  5. Two Days working on a game design is not even close to enough thinking.
  6. Begging, yes please do not beg anyone for help, its annoying

Thats just my opinion.


I have been working on a game for a month and i really like how its turning out but I thought of a great new idea and i just gave up on it, i regret doing that soooo much


Please stop flooding the topic, if you are wanting to argue, do it in DM’s. The argument literally spiked from an opinion. That applies for the other guy as well.


Honestly I think this is a pretty solid introduction to many of the new developers coming into the field of Roblox. Although I would consider having people more fine-tuning their development skills whether it’s building or programming. Riding the waves as popular people do such as making a game modeled after Piggy is pretty genius, although infamous. Many people look down on you for trying to do such a thing but It’s a really solid way to maintain a new playerbase. I think it’s vital to also get a staff team and solid trustworthy friends if you want to make a great game with an amazing playerbase. It’s incredibly important to have staff members maintain the audience, and to have a communications server other than a Roblox group wall, such as Discord or Twitter! Connections between the developers and players can form a strong bond and it’s important to relay every single bit of information about the game and updates so the players are aware of what’s ahead.


@Operatik Thanks so much for replying! :wave:
I just reworded the copying section, I read through it again and I kind of mis-explained what I was going out. Once again, thank you so much for replying!


@9Dcx Thanks so much for replying! :wave:
I am so happy I enlighten you and motivated you!

The reason why I say to start on something big is actually due to a personal experience. For a while, I tried to get into scripting myself. I would slowly figure out how to make certain parts anchored after you touch it 2 times, and silly little other things like that. My brother, then, needed these machines for his cafe group, which I offered to give a try, and I probably spent 8 hours trying to figure how to do it, but eventually, I got it. I feel as if this one experience made me go from being 1% good to 10% good if that makes any sense. Anyways, thanks so much for your feedback!

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@ix_EcIipse Thanks so much for replying! :wave:
I completely understand your point of view, and everything you say, as those botted games, will be in front, if you can be right next to or below those games, you will still bring in a good player count. 2 Players working on game design is definitely not enough if you know what you are doing, but if you first got into developing and I sent you a GDD, you would even want to fill it out? Probably not. So that why personally I think 2 days is a good amount of time for a new developer to think of their idea.

@Beefchoplets Thanks so much for replying! :wave:
Although this advice wasn’t directed towards me, I strongly agree with all of it. I plan on having a team of developers and working on really high-quality games, opening up the group wall and having people ask a question of the days, and help manage spam. It’s clear to me you know what you’re doing and I might add something about that in the post!

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Big thanks to you and all of your precious advice.
I am indeed a new developers, trying to master my skills to make great games and making my Roblox development fun and a good experience in my life.
I like how you make your post attractive and not boring which just encourages the reader to read more. The pieces of advice are ao helpful and beneficial to make new developers avoid the most mistakes and giving them a good start.
Anyway, you probably took so much time making this, so thank you so much!


@ArchitectingGuy Thanks so much for replying! :wave:
I am so happy that you found the post interesting and engaging! Thanks so much for the nice words and I wish you luck on your developing journey!

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great post !, roblox needs more people like you to share your expertise so other newbies don’t make the same mistakes!

(I already understand why games like escape the piggy, or escape the among us are famous)

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