First time using Moon Animator!

Hello Developers! :wave:

It has been a while since I last created a topic.
I’ve recently made a short animation clip using moon animator and hopefully get better at it somewhere in the future.


Spent 5 hours learning short-cut key binds on Youtube, learning how to use moon animator, and extra 2 hours to revamp the chunky animation.


I’m not an animator but like, it seems pretty decent. Try keeping the joints attached as possible though.

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I am against this. Detaching the limbs give a more fluid vibe, if you do it right!

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It looks nice, but I had a bit of a hard time understanding this.

The player stares, pulls out his sword, and does an attack. I don’t quite understand what that last bit was about though, did he cut himself with his own sword? If he didn’t, why is his expression like that? Where is the “OOF” sound coming from? You should try to make these details as easy to understand as possible.

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Thanks for the feedback
If you read the description of the video, he was sliding and the friction made his leg and face change. The oof sound effect indicates heartbeat but obviously, more of a Roblox vibe you know. Let me know if you have more questions :smile:

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That’s actually pretty good for a beginner! Awesome work!


Thank you but I had small experience with animating on the default animator plugin :sweat_smile:


Today was my first using moon animator and that seem Over The Top Great Considering what I made.

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This looks sick. I can never do this. Respect earned :cool: