[First Time]GamePass Icons

GamePass Icons for a commission

First time doing a gamepass commission. Was easier than I thought tho


they look really good. Great job

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Hello there.

I’m actually kinda impressed as this is your first time making gamepass icons, they look decent. But there is always room for improvement, am i right ?

First of all, i see how you divided every single icon into two different parts, i would recommend you to blend them together, so that you can have a colorful background with those gray lines combined, underneath the actual logo of the icon.

Also, i would suggest you removing the text from the icon as the name of the gamepass would be self explanatory, you’ll just have to include for instance a x2/+250 symbol near each logo to give it a better look, you can get inspired by the gamepasses used in every other simulator basically and put your own twist into it. But that’s really it, keep it up.

Could you please elaborate a bit more. I’m not quite sure what you mean by this

mhm. Alr. And maybe I’ll make the text a bit more beefy/thick

tyyyy. :kissing_smiling_eyes: :grin: :+1:

Yeah you definitely should, as it would make it more visually appealing and attractive.

Concerning this, see how in the upper part of the icon there are some striped lines but in the lower part there is only a background color ? You could mix those 2 together for an overall more satisfying result, but that’s just my opinion. Carry on !

Worth to be start commissions with it , looks good and attractive.

Well done and all the best :+1::ok_hand:

I already do commisions.I’m a ui designer

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