I started UI about 2 hours ago I suppose? I’ve gotten this much done so far! I’m really proud of myself. Please list how I can improve!
Thanks a lot!
I started UI about 2 hours ago I suppose? I’ve gotten this much done so far! I’m really proud of myself. Please list how I can improve!
Thanks a lot!
Looks great!
I don’t know if the text in your UI are placeholders but Announcement and Artist are spelld incorrectly. Also maybe want to either remove the … after REASON under USERNAME or add it under Moderation Call to be consistent. Also it feels like CONFIRM in the Admin Panel isn’t centered properly like DECLINE is and the CONFIRM and DECLINE buttons under Moderation Call feel like they’re not evenly spaced between the REASON textbox and the bottom of the entire MODERATION CALL box.
But other than that, it looks really nice : )
Thank you for your suggestions! I’ve put some into the UI. Are there anymore things needing to be done?
Important statement at the top isn’t centered, great wrk otherwise.
I’m having trouble with scaling the UI. Is there any tutorials on that for photoshop? I’ve looked, and no luck yet.
Do you know the basics of photoshop?
Not really, I just got into it as someone suggested it for me to start on.
Okay, select the thing you want to move, and press Ctrl T simultaneously.