Welcome, this guide contains all you need to know about our game moderation.
We sincerely hope that our game and the team are meeting the expectations, we want to help you understand how our game works. Tho rest assured if you received a ban from the game, you can always appeal it, more information can be found on the group.
Okay, now that we understand the basic information, let’s move on to the guide.
G | Understanding of FrizTea Game Moderation
Our moderators want to give you the utmost highest and best experience you can get on our games, remember, our moderators are the key to a great game therefore we respect the tough decisions they have to make.
The moderation team of FrizTea have the power to self-authorise warnings, game removals, and bans of users where they see fit. Tho we understand that sometimes you may not agree with their decision; you can always escalate and question the moderator’s actions.
Now that you understand how Friztea game moderation works, have a look at our sections, which contains the important rules of the game that should be followed.
Section 1.0.0 | Moderation Information & Guidance
Please remember that our moderators reserve the right to issue a punishment where seen fit, we ask that you remain respectful towards all moderators in the game.
Sometimes escalation is not necessary and can lead to further action being taken.
Section 1.1.1 | Basic Game Rules & Understanding
This section contains the basic game rules that should be followed, failure to do so may result in a punishment being issued by a game moderator.
Respecting Staff Team & Other Players.
We appreciate that sometimes things may not go the way expected, however, we ask that you remain respectful towards other players.
Advertising of Other Not Related Groups.
We ask that you refrain from advertising products or such to our players; the exception is to our affiliate groups only. There is no set punishment for advertising however, the moderator can take action depending on severity.
Swearing & Bypassing Roblox Chat Filter.
We want to maintain the game free of rude words, therefore, if seen bypassing the ROBLOX chat filter, our moderation team shall take action against the user as soon as possible; this sometimes leads to bans that are unappealable and remain permanent.
Section 1.1.2 | Usage of Systems & Ordering
We want to keep the game enjoyable for you and others, therefore we have introduced ordering and usage of systems measures.
Ordering at Counters.
FrizTea has introduced a limited number of orders you can have, you are able to find out the limit by asking one of the staff members in the game. Please remember this is not a choice that the staff team make.
Usage of Systems and Game nights.
We want to make the game enjoyable for everyone, therefore moderators can sometimes host game events where you can win something. We ask that you respect the person(s) that achieve the winning price.
Section 1.1.3 | Trainings
Our team host training on a regular basis to help you achieve a higher rank. We will always post a message on our group containing information about the training.
More Information.
Additionally, you can check our group for a link to the training document where you will be given more understanding of how the trainings work.
Hinting For Promotions.
We ask that you refrain from asking for a higher post without attempting to achieve it, this will most likely be ignored by our staff team and can sometimes even lead to further action being taken.
We hope that this guide has given you a better understanding of our game, please remember this guide will be updated so keep an eye out for the updates.
If you have any questions please remember you can direct them to one of the staff in the game and they will be more than happy to help you.
You can find our group link by clicking on this text.
Released 2023 By FrizTea Core Team.