Fishing Rod glitch killing all players

Try Humanoid instead of humanoid

I replaced it with Humanoid but it didnt work

If the rod is the parent of the script I find no reason for this to kill the player. Maybe ilanother script is the problem and not your rod

how is that possible? the new rod is when this all started happening

Maybe you misplaced a script. The scripts that you have sent us ( if positioned correctly) cant cause a player’s death

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I positioned all of them in the right place its only the new fishing rod because I actually made the fishing rod in a test game so it is not possible I put it somewhere in workspace

I would check twice sometimes we miss what is right infront of our eyes

what do you mean? the only thing I added today was the new fishing rod

Maybe I should remove the rod entirely from my game

Try that and check if the issue persists

I would download your model and check but i am on mobile

okay I should do that to test it out and make sur eits in the fishing rod alone

yup Original fishing rod does not kill while new one does

Are you still online? Just asking.

CLOSED (Never solved the issue so I reverted to the old version of the fishing rod.)