Fishing Rod glitch killing all players

Hello, I made this fishing rod but there’s a glitch and I cannot find out why it happens or how it happens. Sometimes when the fish dies, the player dies too.

The model is here: Glitch - Roblox

Please help and tell me what script it is and how to fix it. I know it is not a virus as I do not use free models at all and it only started happening when I updated the fishing rod to prevent teleportation.

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Can you paste the code here? I want to help you but I’m on my phone right now.

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Let me take a look, I’ll fix the model in my game and send it to you

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Okay :slight_smile: :slight_smile: Thanks.

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It’s working fine for me.
May you tell me more in depth of the issue

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try it multiple times and the glitch will kill you afterfishing the fish

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When I pick the fish up on my rod, it does nothing

hmm, maybe add a random tool and a folder according to the fish drop script in the fish model and maybe the glitch will have the same effect happen to it or you could test it from the source: Camping - Roblox (you need to go to the fishing dock)

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did you activate the rod? the rod needs to be activated then deactivated for the glitch to happen

So you put the rod out, and then you pull it in

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robloxapp-20201129-1208216.wmv (1.9 MB)

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btw what is the .wmv format because I do not use windows

How do you activate the rod, may I just ask

Left click? and to retract the rod its right clickl

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you just click with left click for both times

I’ve been trying for more than 10 minutes and the glitch doesn’t seem to happen… please, explain how to make it happen or give us a video footage because this is taking too long.

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Why don’t you just script it yourself then?

I tried for hours but I could not actually fix it

Press Control + F and search for :TakeDamage(), .Health, :LoadCharacter(), and :Destroy() for destroy, check if it’s deleting a body part like the head which will kill a player.

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I don’t use windows so I cannot do that