Fishing(ui) problem

I want to make a system where when you catch a fish, it shows how many times you caught it, but I can’t figure out what needs to be done for the program to read it, I wanted to try intValue but I didn’t understand how it could be used.
The video:

The code:

local fish = {'Cod','Salmon','Shark','Mullet'}

	 script.Parent.Visible = true
	 local selection = math.random(1,#fish)
	 local picked_value = fish[selection]
	 script.Parent.TextLabel.Text = picked_value
	 local price = math.random(20,40)
	 script.Parent.PriceDesc.Text = ('$'..price)
	 script.Parent.Visible = false
	 local staticmenu = script.Parent.Parent.Parent.StaticMenu
	 local static = staticmenu.Static
	 for _, i in pairs(static:GetChildren()) do
			if picked_value == i.Name then
			--I can't figure out what to put here

If you know how to make the program count how many times you caught a fish, help me.
(If you need more information please ask)

You could parent a folder to the player that serves as an inventory, each with a NumberValue that is the name of a fish (this should be done in a ServerScript when the game starts). If you want to save the data, you could save the fish names under the player’s data and then set their values to the number of times they have been caught?

Either way, it would work something like this in your LocalScript:

     local player = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer
-- get the inventory stored as intValues
     local playerInventoryFolder = player:FindFirstChild("inventoryFolder")
	 script.Parent.Visible = true
	 local selection = math.random(1,#fish)
	 local picked_value = fish[selection]
	 script.Parent.TextLabel.Text = picked_value
	 local price = math.random(20,40)
	 script.Parent.PriceDesc.Text = ('$'..price)
	 script.Parent.Visible = false
	 local staticmenu = script.Parent.Parent.Parent.StaticMenu
	 local static = staticmenu.Static
	 for _, i in pairs(static:GetChildren()) do
			if picked_value == i.Name then
			--access the number of that fish
            local pickedQuantity = playerInventoryFolder:FindFirstChild(picked_value)
            pickedQuantity.Value = pickedQuantity.Value + 1 -- numberValue in the folder

            -- then set the text of the label that shows the number to that value using tostring()

Hope this helps!

Is this a permeant recorded or will it reset each time they log in? Is it any fish or by a fish name?

this not permeant recorded, and is it by a fish name.

should I create a folder in the player “FishValue” and in this folder add all the “intValue” named fish?

Considering it’s not permeant, there are many ways to do this. Are you going to add more fish? Want to keep it simple or get deep with it?

yes later I plan to add more fish, and a little but I will go deeper into this

The intValues should be the same name as the fish types. When you create them, it will look something like this:

local fishInventory ="Folder")
fishInventory.Parent = player
fishInventory.Name = "fishInventory"

local mulletValue ="NumberValue")
mulletValue.Name = "Mullet"
mulletValue.Value = 0
mulletValue.Parent = fishInventory

-- repeat for other fish: Cod, Salmon, Shark

If you have data saving you could make a loop instead that does this for all the fish in the player’s inventory and sets the value to whatever is saved

server script in ServerScriptService

local Players = game:GetService("Players")
local fish = {'Cod', 'Salmon', 'Shark', 'Mullet'}

local function onPlayerAdded(player)
	local fishFolder ="Folder")
	fishFolder.Name = "FishData"
	fishFolder.Parent = player

	for _, fishType in ipairs(fish) do
		local fishValue ="NumberValue")
		fishValue.Name = fishType
		fishValue.Value = 0
		fishValue.Parent = fishFolder

for _, player in ipairs(Players:GetPlayers()) do

local script in StarterPlayerScripts

task.wait(3) -- pausing for server script to set up.. then a test
local player=game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer
local fish = {'Cod','Salmon','Shark','Mullet'}

local function incrementFishCount(player, fishType)
	local fishData = player:WaitForChild("FishData")
	local fishValue = fishData:WaitForChild(fishType)
	fishValue.Value = fishValue.Value + 1

incrementFishCount(player, "Salmon")

feel free to try other ways … Attempting to place a folder and use it to keep track of fish …
100% not secure as is.

Edit: tested

-- References to UI elements
local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer
local gui = player:WaitForChild("PlayerGui"):WaitForChild("ScreenGui")
local fishButton = gui:WaitForChild("FishButton")
local resultLabel = gui:WaitForChild("ResultLabel")

-- Fishing rod settings
local fishingRod = nil
local isFishing = false

-- Function to start fishing
local function startFishing()
    if isFishing then return end -- Prevent multiple fishing actions at once
    isFishing = true

    -- Equip fishing rod (This is a placeholder, implement your own logic)
    if not fishingRod then
        fishingRod ="Tool")
        fishingRod.Name = "FishingRod"
        fishingRod.Parent = player.Backpack

    -- Start fishing animation or logic
    resultLabel.Text = "Fishing..."
    wait(2) -- Simulate fishing time

    -- Determine if the player catches a fish
    local caughtFish = math.random() > 0.5
    if caughtFish then
        resultLabel.Text = "You caught a fish!"
        resultLabel.Text = "No fish caught. Try again!"

    -- Unequip fishing rod

    -- Allow fishing again
    isFishing = false

-- Connect the button to start fishing