i was trying to make a 3d ui for the abilities, so i made a basic frame and when i tried to test how well it keeps up with the movement… well… this happened
see how the UI falls off screen when the camera switch sides? yea, thats a problem! and the UI rolling away when wall running, it does look cool, but you already know, also a problem to be fixed!
i want to fix it, but idk how, any suggestions?
yea, for if the player wants to peek corners or if its too close to a wall, id try switchinng the UI side but if i did the ui would look more centered than it should and id want to keep it at the right side
i tried the renderCframe as you told, well it didnt do much, i believe the UI script is running before other camera manipulation scripts, making it have “outdated” info, im gonna try using BindToRenderStep rn