Fix lighting indoors?

  1. What do you want to achieve?
    Fix lighting indoors.

  2. What is the issue?
    The light reflection inside of a build when there are roofs and walls closing everything out.
    In my opinion that shouldn’t be a thing, so i want to remove it.

  3. What solutions have you tried so far?

Setting EnvironmentDiffuseScale and EnvironmentSpecularScale to 0 does work…

But there’s a catch.

lighting outside looks horrific…

Now how would i deal with that without changing these lighting settings?
(My bad if its too obvious, my first time attempting to make a proper location.
And also if my forum post is wrongly setup, im asking for help here for the first time :sweat_smile:)

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You can keep it how it is and use point lights? Or you can turn up your Ambient color because I assume it’s 0,0,0 based on how dark the inside of your house is.

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Its 70,70,70 as default.
Pointlights? Well i know dark places should be lit properly to see things, but that does NOT solve the lights reflection issue.

Can you highlight where the reflections are? I cant rlly see em

Itd be hard for me as im on my phone rn but i can try hold on

My bad!
I didnt provide the image where the issues is, i only provided the one where i used that method i described that doesnt work for me.
Anyways here is it

(Btw the one where you could barely see anything was what im aiming for, i want it dark. Its the sky reflections that screw it up)

Found the issue!
It happens if walls are too thin

However if we do them atleast 4 by width, the issue of wall reflection doesn’t happen!

Only trouble would be the small light at the bottom, but i bet thats solved the same way.


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