I put a Material on a Head Mesh for a character in my game.
The Mesh does not use a texture and instead uses the “Slate” material. You can see an obvious seam where the texture wraps back around on itself, causing a noticeable line to appear on the face.
This occurs with an unmodified Head Mesh as well.
Is there a way to change the way Roblox Materials wrap around a mesh so this doesn’t happen? Editing UV in Blender appeared to do nothing.
ouuuu if editing the uv did nothing then ummmmm I think it might be set according to the “sides” of the face. I dont think you can get rid of the seam, but I do think it can be moved elsewhere. Is there only one seam?
Unfortunately, seams from materials on meshes cannot be fixed as the texture doesn’t loop all the way around perfectly. The only way to remove the seam is to use SurfaceAppearance, but it will make the texture of the material very small according to the UVmap
yeah so it seems to be applying the texture based on the assigned sides of the face. Decals are also placed according to these sides so if you place a decal on your mesh it will probably end right where the seam is.
I believe you can change where the sides are, but you cant remove them.
as said here^ you can use the texture of the material as a surface appearance but there may be some sizing inconsistencies but those can be fixed if you crop the images or scale the UV map (both of which happen outside of studio :/)
this looks kinda janky but if you add enough rocks, cracks, pebbles, and maybe some moss/ivy then it looks intentional… It does tho mean, unless you dont care all that much about the seam, you will have to give up your clean rock look.