Then when I move the camera more than 100 studs away from the sound and press “Preview”, I should hear nothing.
Instead I hear the same volume sound no matter where my camera is. Makes it really hard to figure out the audio design of my environments. I don’t want every sound playing in the level to be heard by everyone.
I’m pretty sure the Properties window play/preview button doesn’t take into account roll off. I think to get an accurate example is to play it via the Command bar.
This is exactly right. Preview plays the sound as 2D. To hear 3D effects such as rolloff and positional panning you need to use Play,Play Here,Run or Test/Start
There’s a fair number of properties on Sound that are only self-documenting if you can twiddle them and test really quick. I read the docs for Sound, and I couldn’t really tell you want Emitter Size does. Or how Inverse RollOffMode plays off against MaxDistance (the docs say it doesn’t work like one might think, so I have to test it).
Also, for 3D sounds, can we get some sort of 2d adornment so I can see where they are in 3d in Studio?