Why, after all of this time, has the AC6 Inspare Chassis not been patched to withstand the exploits of users which use it to play any audio through it?
Even after Roblox heavily restricting sounds and only allowing sounds less than 6 seconds to be played in any universe. 6 seconds is more than enough for a really loud and annoying sound to be put played by an exploiter. Today in my friend’s game with an A-Chassis vehicle in it, an exploiter used it to play sounds like loud beeping, bass boosted audio and a loud audio saying “This game has been exploited”. Sounds so short that they could have easily bypassed the Roblox 6 second audio limit
Please can someone develop a patch or even a way to figure out who could be playing these sounds to be able to at least ban them asap! Because it’s been so long and I’ve been looking on the devforum and other places to try and find someone who could have patched it but nobody has yet (to my knowledge).
There aren’t any backdoors in my game, I have revised and I know all of my scripts very well, the only method used by the exploiters are as I said, the A-Chassis scripts, a script commonly used throughout the community for vehicles. And if you search online for “a-chassis exploit” you’ll see first results posts like vermillion saying “A-Chassis sound exploit!”
I got the Problem with a Chassis a long time ago. The exploiter can play music with remote events. You just need to adjust your A-chassis and Secure these events. I can do a tutorial on that in a few days because I’m not at home atm (and if I don’t forget that). So for @spvcta it’s possible without a backdoor. Some type of A Chassis Sounds plugins can easily be exploited because you just submit a audio ID by firing a remote event in the car.
this specific freemodel OP is speaking of, the A-Chassis, is insecure in that it allows the client to send an audio ID through a remote event for how the car’s engine is supposed to sound while driving. It’s exploitable in that the server blindly agrees to play whatever ID comes through in workspace s.t. everyone hears it. It’s a bad model imo.
@OP – it’s patchable, I’ve looked at it once, but I find the whole script too bloated. Writing your own vehicle handler is the way to go imo. What you’d need to do is store audio IDs in the server and have it manage what cars sound like instead of the client. Actually applying that idea is something else given how A-chassis is written.
Indeed, If someone was to actually make a quick tutorial on how to go through these heavy scripts and actually patch the issue explaining it on a youtube video, I could spread that to people I know and it would be very helpful!