Fix the 'Security Notification' feature. Locked out of many accounts

When I tried to sign into another one of my accounts, the security notification screen appears. I have never seen this screen before until recently. The feature doesn’t work because it makes you input your email to reset the password, but either no email sends, or it does send but your account doesn’t even appear (even if its the same email you used to originally verify your account). So this essentially locked me and other people out of our own verified accounts for little to no reason.

So essentially you just get locked out of your own verified account. This happened to MANY of my accounts. I tried many times to email support and they claim they can’t prove “ownership of my account” despite the fact that the accounts are originally verified under my own email. Even if you verified your account using email or phone number, once you meet this security notification screen, it all gets reset and nothing works to regain access to the account. There is essentially no purpose to this feature and it only serves to grossly inconvenience users for no reason at all. Even right now I am worried about having this screen somehow appearing on my main account because I know that’ll mean I’ll be completely locked out and roblox support wouldn’t be of any help.

No clue how such an anti-user feature can exist on this platform. It’s one thing if it actually worked, but I’ve only heard of players (including myself) just being locked out of our accounts by the platform. The only way I’ve heard to fix this is to actually get into direct connection with a platform admin to regain access to your own account, which I think is completely ridiculous.


I just had kinda same stuff, when tried to appeal Account Termination, they kept saying, that can’t prove ownership of the account.


Im having the same issue, I just got logged off on my main account without notifying my email account, and then I cant even connect again, because Roblox can’t find my email :confused: