July 21, 2023, 4:36pm
I show how to fix this studio launch error Without reinstalling :
How to fix (step-by-step)
Close this window (yes)
Right click on studio shortcut
“Show file location” (maybe it named different bc my OS isn’t english)
Go to parent folder (“Versions”)
Open RobloxStudioLauncherBeta and wait
It’s fixed!
If this doesn’t fix you, I can’t help you
I wrote this topic because I experienced this right now!
Does it help you?
I don’t have this issue
You can also delete and reinstall Roblox Studio. That fixed it for me on Mac.
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reinstalling from the Roblox Studio Dashboard fixes it, and u dont have to delete anything, just launch the installer and let it do it’s job.
July 21, 2023, 7:29pm
@CenterWalled , @wShadowRBLX Yes these ways are correct
You can also just double click on the original installer that you downloaded, worked fine for me.
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July 21, 2023, 10:51pm
I got the same popup. I just went to the create website and clicked “Get started” button or whatever and it updated studio but if that doesn’t work try doing a full reinstall like @CenterWalled said.
If I ever get this problem ill just do this LOL
Here are the more accurate steps to solving the issue!
It’s right in the error message. So is this tutorial really necessary?