Fix with gui that is not available through roblox studio itself

Delete this part right here. It instances a GUI called “thegui” into the player, doesn’t seem to have anything to do with the actual skip script

Still there, into is underlined though.

You can delete that line too, that simply made the GUI get spawned every time a player joined the game(in a roundabout way).

Edit: Didn’t read the still there part, but if you remove that the UI shouldn’t spawn unless another script is there spawning it.

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So, just that line i delete? Any others?

Just that line if you have already deleted the “into” function lines I highlighted above.

Yeah I deleted it, still won’t work. Oh well, I think it’s somethin else. I don’t know yet. Thanks @RMofSBI, @Ggblocks20, @NyrionDev, @natty_boppin, @62penguins, @0msh for your help.


Since the issue was that it was using your old username, keep the into function, but change this line:

new.Text = "Thanks to Tommytherox for helping About_Dev"


new.Text = "Thanks to Tommytherox for helping ProfessionalDev"

Although this wouldn’t delete the gui, it would make it correct. Make sure to put this line:


back in.

Maybe try deleting premt function? It’s hard to tell what it does as we can’t see whats in your replicated storage, but that’s the only other thing I can think of.
If you want, you can also just use this quick script I made that should delete that UI after it is inserted.

--Made very poorly by Ggblocks20 :)
--Put in a server script inside of server script service
game.Players.PlayerAdded:Connect(function(player) --When a new player joins the game, run the code in this function
	wait(5) --Waits to make sure the UI loads, helps prevent errors
	for _, ui in pairs(player.PlayerGui:GetChildren()) do --Loop through all UIs inside the player
		if ui.Name == "thegui" then --If the UI is named "theui"(which is the UI that is at the top of the screen) run all code blow
			ui:Destroy() --Delete the UI so no one can see it anymore
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I’ll check it out later, thanks

remove the line of code that does the text

It seemed to work on some of the text, but there’s still more text.

IT WORKED!!! Thanks a ton man!

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