[FIXED] Latest update broke Ctrl+S?

Since the latest update Ctrl+S isn’t doing anything for me. I’m using windows 8.1 with ribbon bar.

Not having this problem myself on windows 7 (ribbon bar if it matters).

I use Ribbon Bar, Windows 7, not having this problem

Using RibbonBar on 8.1, can confirm that CTRL+S doesn’t do anything.

However, CTRL+S on SystemMenu still works.

I use old studio


Win8.1 SystemUI working fine

I know what it is! Oh god, I’m sorry! Give me a minute

Should be fixed. :frowning: Sorry!!!

What did you do now Khanovich xD

Something like this:

[quote] Something like this:


What did we tell you about installing nuclear facilities into Studio?

It’s fixed now.

Thank you for submitting this report. We are currently reviewing all bug reports to ensure we have not overlooked any ongoing issues. Since this issue was reported over two years ago, can you please confirm you are still experiencing the problem? If so, please respond to this thread, and we will investigate. If we do not receive any response within 30 days, we will consider this matter resolved. Thank you.