September 10, 2021, 11:26am
I have some problem with placing the gui in the right place for all devices
How it looks in studio
How it looks in phone gameplay
I don’t really understand why, i used all things
Plugins i used:
What i did:
Put all guis in a unique frame
Set an Ancor Point (0.5,0.5) or (X= 0.5 and Y= 0) (i did both)
Scaled with Scale and not Offset
Added UIAspectRatioConstaint
Scaled positioning and size
I don’t know what do now… can anyone help me?
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can you show us some pictures of the problem?
September 10, 2021, 11:31am
there already are some pictures
i don’t see all of the pictures on the messages are gone
so your problem is some things are small and some are not in the edges
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so if you want the put something in the edge or something , put the position to {1,0,0.5,0} so that for every device its at the edge and set the anchor point to like (1,0.5) (this is just one edge)
also sometimes to not always put anchor point to 0.5,0.5