[FIXED] Strange mesh texturing issue

I don’t know if this has been solved before, but I was making different environmental models (e.g trees, rocks, sand etc) and when I made my sand floor model, these strange black lines are appearing and the whole thing looks strange (my other models were fine)

(I baked the texture)

I don’t think its an issue with the actual texture itself as on cinema 4d it looks perfectly fine

I’m not great in texturing but i think that the texture is looping itself in studio, you need to make the texture bigger ( stretch it from properties ( is it called stretch or what lol ) ).

Edit: Play with these for a bit and you will know what i mean :stuck_out_tongue:

Just making sure. To me it looks like the ground mesh has a UV map, in that case you have to add the texture directly to the mesh

That’s what I have tried but it the texture looks messed up

Its a meshpart so I cant do that

can you post a screenshot of the uv map and the texture?

Nevermind, it just fixed after a few retries but thanks for offering help