(fixed, thanks) Script not saving for some reason

I opened up my group game, to see script recovery open and saying my scripts weren’t saved which i ALWAYS do when I close studio.

Screen Shot 2021-07-23 at 1.40.59 PM

The code used to say ‘SpeedCoil’ not ‘Sp’.

This is only in this game, not any others I have, idk what to do.

Any info would help, thanks.

You have team create on. Whatever scripts you use are only drafts until you commit them. Go into view and click drafts. Then make sure you actually commit them.

Every time you make a change to your script you will need to commit it.

Well yea, it’s a group game, but this has never happened with the scripts before, how do I commit the script?

I edited my message above. Hopefully that helps you.

It doesn’t show up for me for some reason?

It doesn’t show because now your team create is off. Try turning on again. When you do it should restart your studio. Then the option will appear.


There we go! Thank you, I never knew that was the reason I was starting to get a bit frustrated.

It’s all good. I had the same problem awhile ago and it wasn’t very fun. Good luck with your game!