[Fixed] When attempting to create a new game from the start page, a HTTP 403 (Forbidden) error is thrown for the Starting Place template


Just as the title says: When attempting to create a new game from the start page, a HTTP 403 (Forbidden) error is thrown for the Starting Place template.

Additional Information

Parameter Value
Problem Area Studio
Problem Component Start Page
First Noticed 28 April 2024 @ 22:35 PDT
Priority Medium
Impact Medium
Annoyance Level Medium

The beta features that I have enabled are as follows:

  • AI-Powered Texture Generator
  • Assistant Preview
  • Faster Play Solo
  • Material Generator
  • Notched Screen Support
  • Notification Overhaul
  • Updated Docking System
  • Updated Roblox Controls

As for plugins, I have a bunch that are installed, but very few are enabled. The ones that are enabled are listed below with links to their details page on the Roblox store website:


What I expect to happen is that I should be able to create a new game from the specified template.



To reproduce the issue, perform the following steps:

  1. Open studio and navigate to the page with the new game templates.
  2. Click on Starting Place.
  3. Observe results.




EDIT: Has it been gone for almost 2 months now? There’s an archive of it being “under review” from the 3rd of March:

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Thanks for the report, we are looking at it now.

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I didn’t even think to check that. Good catch.

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This has now been fixed! Thanks for the report


Just tried it. It is most definitely fixed.

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