Hello, I found this script and it wouldn’t work. I tried fixing it but since I don’t really script I can’t figure out know how.
--This is a face changing where you can use any image on ROBLOX as a face! :D
--All you need to do is to place this script into StarterGUI/StarterPack.
local ContentProvider = game:GetService("ContentProvider")
repeat wait() until game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character ~= nil
repeat wait() until (ContentProvider.RequestQueueSize == 0)
local Plr = game.Players.LocalPlayer
local Char = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character
local ChangeFace = true
local FaceId = {258268895, 330390898, 194842856, 196014965, 194843513, 194842817, 194842766, 194843144, 151250178,194843220}
--You can add as many faces you want! :D
--Those 10 faces that is already in this script are faes from Blokcland. :p
wait(0.5) -- Don't touch this.
if ChangeFace then
local var = FaceId[math.random(1,10)] -- Increase the '10' to amount of IDs you put in the 'FaceId'
Char:WaitForChild("Head").face.Texture = ("http://www.roblox.com/asset/?id=" .. var)
--Made by iKennyHuynh