Fixing LinearVelocity

I have an issue that I am unable to fix. The part is supposed to get to the target (Torso) and stop there. Instead it flys around it because of its force. Any way to fix this?

** Not sure why the screen is like that

local velocity = script.Parent.LinearVelocity
local target = script.Parent.Parent.Dummy.UpperTorso

while task.wait(0.1) do
	local offset = (target.Position - script.Parent.Position)
	if offset.Magnitude < 1 then
		velocity.VectorVelocity =,0,0)
		script.Parent.Anchored = true
		velocity.VectorVelocity = offset.Unit * 100 

You either need to change the condition of the first “if” statement (the part is too far away from the UpperTorso and it’s not satisfying the condition of being less than a stud away) to have a higher number or use collision groups so that the part is able to reach that distance (but go through the character).

I believe you could also use a smaller part (the position is at the center of a part, smaller part = more accurate position and closer to the upper torso).