Hello! I have written a procedurally generated ore spawning system and i have stumbled upon a small problem. There is a chance that sometimes models might overlap with eachother and im trying to figure out how to fix it.
I already tried some solutions but none of them seem to work so now im asking for help here.
Here’s the function from a module that handles ore’s creation and spawning:
function oreModule.spawnOre(Info:SharedTable, Parent:Folder, Location:BasePart) : Model
local m = Instance.new("Model")
m.Name = Info.Name
local pp = Instance.new("Part", m)
pp.Color = Info.Colors[math.random(1,#Info.Colors)]
pp.Material = Info.Materials[math.random(1,#Info.Materials)]
pp.Anchored = true
local sizex = math.random(Info.SizeX[1]*100, Info.SizeX[2]*100)/100
local sizey = math.random(Info.SizeY[1]*100, Info.SizeY[2]*100)/100
local sizez = math.random(Info.SizeZ[1]*100, Info.SizeZ[2]*100)/100
local size = Vector3.new(sizex*Info.SizeMultiplier, sizey*Info.SizeMultiplier, sizez*Info.SizeMultiplier)
pp.Size = size
pp.Orientation = Vector3.new(math.random(-10,10)/2, math.random(0,360), math.random(-10,10)/2)
pp.Position = Location.Position + Vector3.new(math.random(-Location.Size.X/2, Location.Size.X/2), math.random(5,10)/12, math.random(-Location.Size.Z/2, Location.Size.Z/2))
local am = math.random(Info.AdditionalPieces[1], Info.AdditionalPieces[2])
for i=1, am do
local p = Instance.new("Part", m)
p.Color = Info.Colors[math.random(1,#Info.Colors)]
p.Material = Info.Materials[math.random(1,#Info.Materials)]
p.Anchored = true
sizex = math.random(Info.SizeX[1]*100, Info.SizeX[2]*100)/100
sizey = math.random(Info.SizeY[1]*100, Info.SizeY[2]*100)/60
sizez = math.random(Info.SizeZ[1]*100, Info.SizeZ[2]*100)/100
p.Size = Vector3.new(sizex*1.5, sizey, sizez*1.5)
p.Orientation = Vector3.new(math.random(-10,10)/2, math.random(-10,10)/2, math.random(-10,10)/2)
-- offset stuff ( i have no idea how this works )
local yoffset = math.random(-6,-3)/6
local sideX = math.random(0,3)
local sideZ = math.random(0,1)
if sideX == 0 then
p.Position = pp.Position + Vector3.new(pp.Size.X/2,yoffset,math.random(-10,10)/12)
elseif sideX == 1 then
p.Position = pp.Position + Vector3.new(-pp.Size.X/2,yoffset,math.random(-10,10)/12)
elseif sideZ == 0 then
p.Position = pp.Position + Vector3.new(math.random(10,10)/12, yoffset, -pp.Size.Z/2)
p.Position = pp.Position + Vector3.new(math.random(-10,10)/12, yoffset, -pp.Size.Z/2)
m.PrimaryPart = pp
m.Parent = Parent or workspace
m:ScaleTo(math.random(Info.RandomSize[1]*100, Info.RandomSize[2]*100)/100)
return m